​ Stingray Fish Keepers

Potamotrygon Itaituba P14 Galaxy

This particular freshwater stingray goes through the most amazing and drastic transformation process amongst all freshwater stingray species.
When born, the Royal Galaxy P14 has a light brownish base color and white spider-web like markings.
The colors and markings on the stingray looks nothing near anything it would become when it grows up. As it grows to around 6 to 7 inches, pattern wise, the stingray starts to form whitish looking spots in the centre of each of the spaces in the spider-web and expands to cover the holes in the spider web. In other words, the lines of the spider-web slowly lightens up and disappears in the process. The brownish base then starts to turn dark and subsequently black.
Once entering semi adult-hood, the stingray would already be having an almost fully dark or black base color with clear signs of white spots all over. By now, the spider-web lines on its disc would already be almost, if not completely gone.
From here forth, the transformation process is nearly complete but nonetheless, never ending as the Royal Galaxy P14’s spots would get clearer and white as the stingray grows everyday.
In the end, it would have went from a dull brownish looking stingray with spider-web markings to one of the most amazing looking freshwater stingray with a black base color and small spots all over its disc.